Thursday, April 21, 2011

Uniform Reform

On March 31st at Freedom Academy’s board meeting, in the ongoing saga over uniform reform, once again the issue was raised that there have been changes to the uniform policy, to which two of the board members (who also served on the uniform commitee) asserted that they didn’t change any policy--they only “clarified” it, but that any changes to actual policy needed to be voted on by the board. Let us follow that logic, shall we?  

So what they were saying is that a new uniform committee can re-clarify and interpret the uniform policy (even if it is contrary to previous “clarifications”) and they won’t have to submit those revised “clarifications” for board approval--for they are not actual changes in policy, just simple clarifications.  Call it what you will, but any honest soul knows that change by any other name is still change.

Herein, we see the unscrupulous tactics of the current regime that have attempted to rule by fiat.  Only two members on the current board (Wendy Ahlman and Ken Parkinson) voted to change current uniform policy.  Little did they know that it wasn’t even necessary, they just need to re-clarify it.  

by: Rebel with a Cause

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