Friday, April 29, 2011


Last year one of the most beloved teachers at Freedom Academy showed a clip from the movie, The Blind Side. He showed it to teach his students about bigotry.  Yet he was called on the carpet for it, and eventually dismissed.  

As fate would have it, the Ambassador to Sweden met before the student body this year and also showed a clip from the same movie--yet there was no outrage.

What exactly is the objection to this wonderful film?  Who could it possibly offend?  What sentiments could love and tolerance be contrary to? Are there bigots at Freedom Academy?  And, why was this wonderful teacher blindsided by the administration?

by: Too Many Irony’s in the Fire

1 comment:

  1. The teacher in question was not rehired for many reasons the least of which was this film. The problem with the film is not that it is a film about racism but that the film is PG 13 and parent permission slips are required to show any movie above G. The teacher did not notify parents or even the administration that he was showing the film while full aware that he was violating the policy.
