Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ruling by Fiat

On April 22, 2011 I went to Freedom Academy to attend a Uniform Committee meeting. I walked through the open door, but was quickly ushered out of the room, and the door was closed.  I was told that I was not allowed to attend the "Official" Uniform Committee meeting, but that I could meet later with the PTO representative.  Oddly, one of the two Board Members that are self-appointed to the "Official" Uniform Committee felt free to attend our little meeting afterward.

The meeting began with the usual pissing match between parents and board members.  "Why were we shut out of the meeting?" "Why are teachers, administrators, office personnel, and board members allowed to attend at will, while the parents only have one PTO member representing them?" The Board Member provided no concrete answers as to why we were excluded, even when confronted with the bylaws.  Basically it was their typical rule by fiat--that's just the way it is.

They talked about conducting a NEW survey on Uniform Policy, (the last one they entirely disregarded) but I quickly cut through the smoke and mirrors to reveal the fact that the outcome of the survey has no binding force on Uniform Policy.  As per usual, the Board has the final say.  Moreover, Board Members that also serve on the "Official" Uniform Committee can enact changes which they call "clarifications" without a vote ever coming before the Board.

To add further to my disgust, I heard a board member talking after the closed meeting, agonizing over the length of socks for goodness sake--followed by the statement, "This will help teach the students how to dress for success." After throwing up in my mouth, I wondered, how can a frumpy clad house wife, come to believe that she is an expert on fashion, and has the ultimate recipe for success after attending just one Amway convention?

Okay, the comment about the housewife’s appearance was offside, but I did it to prove a point.  Nobody likes being judged by appearance.  

by: Stands in Corners with a Bar of Soap in Mouth

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