Thursday, April 28, 2011


How stupid do you have to be
To judge souls by appearance?
For surely any blind man sees
Apparently such ignorance

For as you judge you shall be judge
In superficial haste
Which elevates contentiousness
And unity lays waste

You cannot hide such ugliness
Behind a chic facade?
Or cloak pious corruption
In the vestments of their fraud?

Discard elitist’s hand-me-downs
Of loathing and self-doubt
And stand before God naked
Without pride--your inside out

Do you think God’s impressed by style?
Is He concerned with vogue?
Or does He praise the lilies
Those which toil not or sow?

Is he impressed with shiny things?
Embroidered trims of gold?
Do these bring heaven's favor?
Or a schism to the fold?

Is he enthralled with plainness
And stoic sanctimony?
Which frowns on other envious
Contentment forged and phony?

Do any man-made standards
Improve on His design?
In uniforms, regalia
In rags, or silken twine?

Does he define the soul
And its potential in such things?
Or see in them His image
As a priceless, sentient beings

by: Namlha H. Pesoj

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