Friday, April 29, 2011


Last year one of the most beloved teachers at Freedom Academy showed a clip from the movie, The Blind Side. He showed it to teach his students about bigotry.  Yet he was called on the carpet for it, and eventually dismissed.  

As fate would have it, the Ambassador to Sweden met before the student body this year and also showed a clip from the same movie--yet there was no outrage.

What exactly is the objection to this wonderful film?  Who could it possibly offend?  What sentiments could love and tolerance be contrary to? Are there bigots at Freedom Academy?  And, why was this wonderful teacher blindsided by the administration?

by: Too Many Irony’s in the Fire

Thursday, April 28, 2011


How stupid do you have to be
To judge souls by appearance?
For surely any blind man sees
Apparently such ignorance

For as you judge you shall be judge
In superficial haste
Which elevates contentiousness
And unity lays waste

You cannot hide such ugliness
Behind a chic facade?
Or cloak pious corruption
In the vestments of their fraud?

Discard elitist’s hand-me-downs
Of loathing and self-doubt
And stand before God naked
Without pride--your inside out

Do you think God’s impressed by style?
Is He concerned with vogue?
Or does He praise the lilies
Those which toil not or sow?

Is he impressed with shiny things?
Embroidered trims of gold?
Do these bring heaven's favor?
Or a schism to the fold?

Is he enthralled with plainness
And stoic sanctimony?
Which frowns on other envious
Contentment forged and phony?

Do any man-made standards
Improve on His design?
In uniforms, regalia
In rags, or silken twine?

Does he define the soul
And its potential in such things?
Or see in them His image
As a priceless, sentient beings

by: Namlha H. Pesoj

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ruling by Fiat

On April 22, 2011 I went to Freedom Academy to attend a Uniform Committee meeting. I walked through the open door, but was quickly ushered out of the room, and the door was closed.  I was told that I was not allowed to attend the "Official" Uniform Committee meeting, but that I could meet later with the PTO representative.  Oddly, one of the two Board Members that are self-appointed to the "Official" Uniform Committee felt free to attend our little meeting afterward.

The meeting began with the usual pissing match between parents and board members.  "Why were we shut out of the meeting?" "Why are teachers, administrators, office personnel, and board members allowed to attend at will, while the parents only have one PTO member representing them?" The Board Member provided no concrete answers as to why we were excluded, even when confronted with the bylaws.  Basically it was their typical rule by fiat--that's just the way it is.

They talked about conducting a NEW survey on Uniform Policy, (the last one they entirely disregarded) but I quickly cut through the smoke and mirrors to reveal the fact that the outcome of the survey has no binding force on Uniform Policy.  As per usual, the Board has the final say.  Moreover, Board Members that also serve on the "Official" Uniform Committee can enact changes which they call "clarifications" without a vote ever coming before the Board.

To add further to my disgust, I heard a board member talking after the closed meeting, agonizing over the length of socks for goodness sake--followed by the statement, "This will help teach the students how to dress for success." After throwing up in my mouth, I wondered, how can a frumpy clad house wife, come to believe that she is an expert on fashion, and has the ultimate recipe for success after attending just one Amway convention?

Okay, the comment about the housewife’s appearance was offside, but I did it to prove a point.  Nobody likes being judged by appearance.  

by: Stands in Corners with a Bar of Soap in Mouth

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Fat Lady Sings--Or Does She?

They say it isn’t over until the fat lady sings, but what about Freedom Academy’s music program? Perhaps the Director can best answer that conundrum since the school’s music curriculum was cut back to just twice a month this last year.  What is the reasoning here?  Perhaps someone needs a music lesson in the sackbut.  Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Dope.  

Joke of the Day:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Bad Color

The story you are about to read is true.  Only the names have been changed to protect the ignorant.  On April 6, 2011 a Freedom Academy receptionist, conducted a uniform violation sting on a nefarious 8th grader posing as a star honor roll student who went to the state science fair finals on behalf of the school.  But this was obviously a cover.  Being suspicious, the receptionist worried that the 8th grader might be wearing “The Bad Color” (black pants instead of dark navy blue). For as we know black attracts those we don’t speak of, (nonconformists) which could endanger the entire Village--I mean school. So she stood the student up in front of the class, embarrassing her before her peers, and grilled her for what seemed an eternity, on whether or not the students pants were black or blue.  The receptionist and the students could not come to an agreement on whether the pants were black or blue, and no violation citation was given.  But be assured the ever brilliant, ever vigilant, ever petty clothes cops will be on the prowl--coming soon to a child near you.  

by: M. Knight Shambala

Friday, April 22, 2011

RU High School

At the beginning of the school year Freedom Academy’s curriculum was emaciated.  Specialty classes were cut, as well as positions.  Even the Vice Principal’s hours were slashed to the nub.  Unfortunately, he eventually resigned.  These things were done in the name of tightening the budget.  Yet the board continues to pursue ambitions of creating a new Charter High School. How does this make sense?  

Many home owners in the neighborhood are vehemently opposed to the idea.  Many Freedom parents are also against it.  They consider it a royal umbrage.  Hey, that’s a good name for the school--Royal Umbrage High School! Or should it be shortened to--RU High?  

Perhaps it’s time to reverse gears and focus on the task at hand--making Freedom Academy a better school.  Let’s fix Freedom Academy first, before entertaining grander ambitions. 

by: Just Say No (aka. Justin Sane Know, Just Insane No, Just In Sane Knowledge)

Joke of the Day:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Uniform Reform

On March 31st at Freedom Academy’s board meeting, in the ongoing saga over uniform reform, once again the issue was raised that there have been changes to the uniform policy, to which two of the board members (who also served on the uniform commitee) asserted that they didn’t change any policy--they only “clarified” it, but that any changes to actual policy needed to be voted on by the board. Let us follow that logic, shall we?  

So what they were saying is that a new uniform committee can re-clarify and interpret the uniform policy (even if it is contrary to previous “clarifications”) and they won’t have to submit those revised “clarifications” for board approval--for they are not actual changes in policy, just simple clarifications.  Call it what you will, but any honest soul knows that change by any other name is still change.

Herein, we see the unscrupulous tactics of the current regime that have attempted to rule by fiat.  Only two members on the current board (Wendy Ahlman and Ken Parkinson) voted to change current uniform policy.  Little did they know that it wasn’t even necessary, they just need to re-clarify it.  

by: Rebel with a Cause

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Too Big For its Britches

Since Freedom Academy was awarded #1 charter school in Utah 2010, you would think that all is well.  But nothing could be farther from the truth.  There are deep schisms between board members and parents, faculty and students, PTO and curriculum.  In fact, Freedom has over extended themselves cutting important classes, programs, and reducing staff.  Yet they continue to pursue ambitions for expanding into a new high school.  Indeed, it seems that they have bamboozled the masses.  For Example, they recently received a Health Award for adjusting the cafeteria menu along a more nutritious vein.  Great Job! But what they failed to mention is the fact that the school has cut Physical Education to one day every other week.  Is this really the best we can do?  Is this the best Utah has to offer?  I sure hope not, otherwise they’ll have to super-size those little uniforms.  

by: Humpty Dumpty