Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nepotism at the Expense of Exceptionalism?

As I left Freedom the other day my children noticed a very fancy car in the parking lot, the kind that makes you think, “Wow, who owns that?” I was soon informed that it was the Director’s son-in-law.  Then almost in perfect sync with my inner dialogue, I wondered what he did for a living, when I was informed that he wrote grants for the school.  

It almost stopped me in my tracks. Needless to say, it  didn’t sit well with me. Nepotism is frowned upon in general, but it borders on criminal when public officials award public funds to relatives in the public sector. I don’t pretend to know the nature of compensation, nor the size of this monetary arrangement, but perhaps somebody should investigate. Regardless, it seems unseemly on its face, especially when Freedom Academy is struggling, cutting classes, slashing the Vice Principal’s salary until he resigns, etc. 

I guess the upside is that it appears some people are making a good living off our financially struggling school. 

by: Hu Yu No


  1. If you were a professional in your field and a relative was looking to hire your kind of expertise, you'd be pissed if they didn't give you the job.
    PS Get your facts right before you lash out on others.
    PPS I have no relations to Freedom and I still think that this (meaning your current efforts against this school) is in your own words DUMB. If you really hate it that bad, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!

  2. Life must seem easy to you. Sitting at home on your butt blasting Freedom Academy, its parents, students, staff for all the 'wrongs.' Maybe you should spend some time in the school doing better with your time. Like maybe...volunteering. Or as real journalists call it...investigating. Stop spouting off at the mouth about things you have no idea about. I am disgusted by your lies and the damage you can be causing. I know the truth simply because I asked. Wow! What a concept.
